姓名 | 专业 | 导师 | 论文名称 | 员工次序 | 刊物名称 | 见刊时间 | 影响因子 | 收录情况 |
包昌昊 | 农 | 刘金明 | Rapid detection of talc content in flour based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with feature wavelength selection | 1 | APPLIED OPTICS | 2022.6.27 | 1.98 | SCI3 |
万岩 | 农 | 陈争光 | 两阶段相关系数波长选择方法 | 1 | 分析试验室 | 录用 | EI | |
贺号添 | 农 | 马晓丹 | A calculation method of phenotypic traits of soybean pods based on image processing technology | 1 | Ecological Informatics | 2022.5.16 | 4.498 | SCI3 |
贺号添 | 农 | 马晓丹 | Recognition of soybean pods and yield prediction based on improved deep learning model | 1 | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2023.1.13 | 6.627 | SCI2 |
杨忱 | 农 | 关海鸥 | A rapid Recognition Method of Auricularia auricula varieties based on Near-Infrared Spectral Characteristics | 1 | INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY | 2022.6.6 | 2.997 | SCI2 |
杨忱 | 农 | 关海鸥 | Rapid detection of Pleurotus eryngii mycelium by near infrared spectroscopy | 1 | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 2022.4.15 | 4.831 | SC2I |
韩晗 | 农 | 韩静 | 基于毫米波雷达的颗粒肥料质量流量测量与实验研究 | 1 | 南方农机 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
韩晗 | 农 | 韩静 | 基于毫米波雷达的颗粒肥料质量流量测量与实验研究 | 1 | 南方农机 | 2023.12 | 省刊 | |
高嘉欣 | 农 | 谭峰 | A Method for Obtaining the Number of Maize Seedlings Based on the Improved YOLOv4 Lightweight Neural Network | 1 | Agriculture | 3.408 | SCI2 | |
刘蕾 | 农 | 朱大洲 | 基于 SSA-SVM 的营养健康信息文本分类研究 | 1 | 计算机时代 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
李明泽 | 农 | 石建飞 | A New Control Strategy for Greenhouse Environment Control System Based on Inverse Model | 2 | International Journal of Heat and Technology | EI | ||
廖思洋 | 农 | 谭峰 | 基于图像的玉米秧苗茎杆位置标记方法研究 | 1 | 农机使用与维修 | 202306 | 省刊 | |
金厚熙 | 农 | 任守华 | 基于红外热成像技术的玉米种子活力等级分类方法研究 | 1 | 现代农业科技 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
吕东洋 | 农 | 李爱传 | 日光温室关键环境因子预测模型研究综述 | 1 | 农业工程技术 | 2021.07.01 | 省刊 | |
林立媛 | 农 | 路阳 | New method for rice disease identification based on improved deep residual shrinkage network | 2 | Systems Science & Control Engineering | 2023 | 省刊 | |
佟尚谕 | 农 | 黄操军 | 多模式水田智能控灌系统设计与试验 | 1 | 农机化研究 | 录用 | 核心 | |
李东洋 | 农 | 任守华 | 国内气力式玉米精量排种器现状与展望 | 1 | 现代农业科技 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
李东洋 | 农 | 任守华 | 热红外成像技术在农产品加工自动化中的运用研究 | 1 | 电脑与信息技术 | 2023.02 | 省刊 | |
陶贤鹏 | 计 | 路阳 | Enhanced CNN Classification Capability for Small Rice Disease Datasets Using Progressive WGAN-GP: Algorithms and Applications | 2 | Remote Sensing | 录用 | 5.349 | SCI2 |
曾昌浩 | 计 | 刘金明 | Rapid Biochemical Methane Potential Evaluation of Anaerobic Co-Digestion Feedstocks Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics | 2 | Energies | 2021.03 | 3.004 | SCI3 |
施雪玲 | 计 | 丁国超 | 《基于PSO-BP神经网络好氧堆肥腐熟度的预测模型》 | 2 | AG真人国际学报 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
刘姝 | 计 | 陈争光 | Rapid identification of the variety of maize seeds based on near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with locally linear embedding | 1 | Applied Optics | 202201 | 1.905 | SCI3 |
刘姝 | 计 | 陈争光 | Detection of maize seed germination rate based on improved locally linear embedding | 1 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 202301 | 6.757 | SCI1 |
徐铭 | 计 | 赵肖宇 | Identification of zinc pollution in rice plants based on two characteristic variables | 2 | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 2021 | 4.831 | SCI2 |
沈盼盼 | 计 | 马晓丹 | Calculation method of wilting index based on fractal dimension of multispectral images for the soybean canopy | 1 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 2023.1.26 | 6.757 | SCI1 |
沈盼盼 | 计 | 马晓丹 | A Fourier transform-based calculation method of wilting index for soybean canopy using multispectral image | 1 | Agronomy | 2022.7.10 | 3.949 | SCI2 |
于淼 | 计 | 关海鸥 | A Recognition Method of Soybean Leaf Diseases Based on an Improved Deep Learning Model | 1 | Frontiers in Plant Science | 202205 | 6.627 | SCI2 |
蒋鹏 | 计 | 富爽 | 异构物联网中基于粒子群算法的频谱分配方法 | 1 | 计算机科学与应用 | 省刊 | ||
蒋鹏 | 计 | 富爽 | 多设备多任务场景下基于改进粒子群优化的计算卸载策略 | 1 | AG真人国际学报 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
蒋鹏 | 计 | 富爽 | Wireless powered hybrid backscatter-active communications with hardware impairments | 2 | Physical Communication | 2022.1.20 | 2.379 | SCI4 |
祝子涵 | 计 | 谭峰 | 基于BP神经网络的粳稻种子拉曼光谱鉴别方法研究 | 1 | 中国粮油学报 | 202306 | CSCD | |
王飞逸 | 计 | 马晓丹 | Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Soybean Canopy Based on Multivision Technology for Calculation of Phenotypic Traits | 1 | Agronomy | 202203 | 3.949 | SCI2 |
丁晨阳 | 计 | 富爽 | Computational Offloading of Service Workflow in Mobile Edge Computing | 2 | information | 2022.07.19 | EI | |
丁晨阳 | 计 | 富爽 | Throughput Fairness for Wireless Powered Cognitive Hybrid Active-Passive Communications | 2 | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 2022.02.09 | 2.146 | SCI4 |
马文宝 | 计 | 田芳明 | 基于改进YOLOv5模型的农作物病斑图像自动标注 | 1 | AG真人国际学报 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
刘果宜 | 计 | 赵肖宇 | Denoising method for Raman spectra with low signal-to-noise ratio based on feature extraction | 2 | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 4.098 | SCI2 | |
石祥龙 | 计 | 刘桂阳 | 基于形态参数的植物根系生长模型可视化构建 | 1 | 现代计算机 | 202210 | 省刊 | |
刘辅之 | 电 | 李爱传 | 分娩母猪舍环境控制系统的研究 | 1 | 科学与财富 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
杜娇娇 | 计 | 路阳 | Image Classification and Recognition of Rice Diseases: a Hybrid DBN and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm | 2 | Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | 202203 | 5.89 | SCI2 |
苏彤 | 计 | 许杰 | 基于生成对抗网络的树种识别方法研究 | 1 | 林业科学 | 录用 | EI | |
张晓文 | 计 | 陈争光 | Application of adaptive Laplacian Eigenmaps in near infrared spectral modeling | 1 | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 2022.9.14 | 4.831 | SCI2 |
张晓文 | 计 | 陈争光 | Rapid detection of lignin content in corn straw based on Laplacian Eigenmaps | 1 | Infrared Physics & Technology | 2023 | 3.3 | SCI2 |
张晓文 | 计 | 陈争光 | Classification of Rice Varieties Using SIMCA Applied to NIR Spectroscopic Data | 2 | ACS Omega | 2022.12 | 4.132 | SCI3 |
张晓文 | 计 | 陈争光 | Application of the Combination Method Based on RF and LE in Near Infrared Spectral Modeling | 1 | SAA | 2023.3 | 4.831 | SCI2 |
严陈慧子 | 计 | 田芳明 | 基于改进YOLOv4的水稻病害快速检测方法 | 1 | 江苏农业科学 | 2023.3 | 核心 | |
陈蕊 | 计 | 王雪 | 基于随机森林特征重要性和区间偏最小二乘法的近红外光谱波长筛选方法 | 1 | 光谱学与光谱分析 | 录用 | 1.28 | SCI4 |
时闯 | 计 | 杨冬风 | 基于近红外光谱技术的大豆种子老化级别快速鉴别方法研究 | 1 | 现代农业科技 | 录用 | 省刊 | |
雷得超 | 计 | 任守华 | 基于OpenCV图像处理车牌识别系统分析研究 | 1 | 电脑与信息技术 | 2022.08 | 省刊 | |
雷得超 | 计 | 任守华 | BP神经网络在玉米干燥含水率预测中的研究 | 1 | 粮食加工 | 2022.8 | 省刊 |